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Soil, Sediment and Rock Testing and Disposal Management

Industry leaders in soil, sediment and rock testing, characterization, management, and disposal

Soil Testing and Disposal Management

Do you have soil that you want gone? Active Earth is an industry leader in soil testing, characterization, management, and disposal on through BC, enabling our plans and cost estimates to consider a wide range of options including unique alternative approaches which often result in cost and schedule savings as well as the unnecessary disposal of clean soils to contaminated landfills.

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We have strong relationships with the relevant provincial and federal regulators as well as with many disposal facility operators (for clean and contaminated soil) in the lower mainland. Active Earth has completed over 1,000 soil assessments in the past 5 years for a variety of clients, often providing value-added solutions to minimize the cost and effort of soil disposal. Typical projects include utility upgrades (trenches), municipal/highway road upgrades, stockpile assessments, and bulk excavations. Active Earth will work with our clients to determine the best approach to characterize soil at the on-set of each project to ensure schedule and budget targets are being met. This includes evaluating the efficacy of investigation methods such as test-pitting, drilling, hydro-vacuuming, hand digging, and others. We are an industry leader in utilizing technical and regulatory tools to improve soil classifications and reduce disposal costs (e.g., statistical analysis, background concentration determinations, BC Soil Leachate testing, and derivation of site-specific standards).

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Stage 14 Amendments and Protocol 19

Did a Schedule 2 activity take place on your site? Active Earth is on the leading edge of the recently enacted Stage 14 amendments and Protocol 19 soil testing and notification requirements, ensuring that soil is tested and relocated in accordance with regulation and without unnecessary costs and delays.

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Disposal at Sea

Active Earth completes more Disposal at Sea Approvals for land-based excavations and dredgeate (sediment) than any other consulting firm in the Pacific Yukon region. To facilitate these approvals, our team completes all aspects of the regulatory process on behalf of our clients, including technical site reviews, applications to Environment Canada, and the collection of confirmatory soil samples.

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The Disposal at Sea approval process is rigorous and robust to ensure only unimpacted native inorganic soils from land-based excavations are considered for approval, similarly, a high level of due diligence is required to characterize dredgeate for Disposal at Sea consideration. Nuances of the program can appear tedious and difficult to overcome, however, Active Earth’s highly experienced Disposal at Sea team can help you navigate the process and facilitate your approval without unnecessary effort and delays.

The handling of clean soil via Disposal at Sea can often save significant transportation and disposal costs for our clients. By using the services of Active Earth, our clients benefit from our experience and positive reputation with Environment Canada. Our clients also enjoy some of the lowest laboratory prices available for Disposal at Sea soil testing.

Rock Testing and Disposal Management

Concerned about the environmental liability associated with importing or storing rock on your property? Active Earth’s team of geoscientist and engineers are experts at assessing Metal Leaching and Acid Rock Drainage (ML/ARD) potential from all types of rock (e.g., aggregate, blast rock, exposed bedrock, quarried rock, etc…). Our team will assess the geochemistry and determine if the rock has the potential to adversely effect the surrounding environment.

If the rock is found to be potentially metal leaching or acid generating, our team can help identify environmentally safe disposal methods.

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