Environmental Site Assessment
No one likes contamination, and no one likes uncertainty. Contamination can impact property values, threaten the schedule or viability of the best-planned projects, and cause harm to humans and the environment. The site investigation process may seem daunting, but we’re here to help.
Active Earth carries out Stage 1 and 2 Preliminary Site Investigations (also referred to as Phase I and II Environmental Site Assessments) and Detailed Site Investigations across a range of industries. Clients include those in commercial, industrial, mining, and forestry sectors as well as federal, provincial, and municipal governments and First Nations. Active Earth has successfully addressed contaminants associated with historic filling, automotive fuelling and servicing, leakage from storage tanks, mining and blasting, electrical equipment (PCBs), metalworking and machining, sandblasting, wood preservatives, coal processing, and numerous other industrial activities.
As industry leaders in Environmental Site Assessments (ESAs), we are experts in designing and executing smart and streamlined investigation programs, for projects large and small. We’ve completed over 5,000 ESAs across Western Canada, from city centres to the most remote locations.
Our primary goal for every ESA is the same: answering the most important questions as clearly, quickly, and professionally as possible so that you can move forward with confidence.
Our ESA expertise includes:
- Stage 1 Preliminary Site Investigations / Phase I Environmental Site Assessments – conducted to evaluate the current and historical activities to determine the risk of potential contamination, through visual site inspections and a detailed desktop review of databases, records, and reports.
- Stage 2 Preliminary Site Investigations / Phase II Environmental Site Assessments – conducted to determine to presence or absence of contamination, targeting the highest risk locations.
- Detailed Site Investigations – conducted when required to determine the full extents and status of all identified contamination.
- Assessment of soil, groundwater, surface waters, soil vapour, indoor and outdoor air, and sediment.
- Specialized groundwater assessments by leading hydrogeologists to evaluate contaminant plume stability and fate and transport (breakdown and change through time and space) in even the most complex environments.
- Soil characterization to support off-Site relocation or reuse of excavation spoils (see more about our Soil Testing and Disposal Management services)

Liability Estimates
You’ve got a contaminated site. So what does that mean to you? We’re specialists in translating site assessment findings into reliable and realistic liability estimates and thoughtful recommendations, enabling our clients to make the best possible business decisions.
We specialize in cost-benefit analysis, detailed remediation planning, and remediation using both Approvals in Principle and Independent Remediation to obtain Certificates of Compliance and environmental closure.
We routinely work closely with construction contractors, and remediation/treatment trades. We have our finger on the pulse of remediation costs, available options, and emerging technologies at all times. Our robust and defensible Opinions of Probable Cost (OPCs) clearly and concisely summarize the anticipated steps, costs and schedule to resolve the identified environmental issues. Our OPCs are routinely used to support detailed project planning, to facilitate property transactions, and to support lending from all types of financial institutions.
Remediation Planning & Options Analysis
We take the time to understand the unique priorities of each client and each project. This approach ensures our Remediation Plans are feasible, cost-effective, and designed to advance your best interests with the minimal possible impact to your project schedules.
As experts in Remedial Options Analysis, we assess the costs and benefits of all available approaches, including:
- Physical remediation through excavation, dredging, pumping or otherwise removing contamination for off-Site disposal or treatment.
- On-Site bioremediation.
- On-Site in-situ remediation through beneficial chemical injection / oxidation, groundwater pump-and-treat systems, air sparging, monitored natural attenuation, soil vapour extraction, etc.
- Managing contamination in-place through Risk Assessment and Risk Mitigation.
- Targeted combinations of and of the above.

Remediation Management
As leaders in the field of remediation management, we understand the importance of responsiveness, superior technical and regulatory knowledge, and a respect for project schedules. On every site, our team of highly experienced remediation project managers work hand in-hand with our clients, regulators, and stakeholders to ensure the work occurs efficiently, thoroughly, and with minimal schedule impact.
Our highly-trained and dedicated field supervisors are experts in advising and directing construction contractors, monitoring remediation progress, and refining remediation plans and methods based on field-level findings in order to maximize value.
Our remediation management expertise ranges from simple excavation-and-disposal projects to complex multi-year programs involving all manner of techniques include bio-remediation, air-sparging, soil vapour extraction, groundwater pump-and-treatment, chemical oxidation, and risk assessment.
We’re experts in overseeing remediation in urban and remote site locations, in limited access settings, in extreme terrain, at high-security facilities, and on active heavy industry properties.

Risk Assessment
Active Earth specializes in the performance of human health and ecological risk assessments of contaminated sites in support of decision-making related to land remediation, development and investment. We have conducted human health and ecological risk assessments for more than 250 properties across western Canada including mine sites, pulp mills, saw mills, landfills, sea ports, petrochemical facilities, railway facilities, transportation facilities, telecommunication facilities, First Nations lands, and shooting ranges, among others.
We also conduct Approved Professional reviews of risk assessments prepared to support applications for legal instruments in British Columbia. Scott Steer is a risk-based standards Approved Professional with the Society of Contaminated Sites Approved Professionals of British Columbia (CSAP)
Regulatory Approvals and Permits
Our team of technical experts have a deep understanding of all relevant environmental Acts and Regulations, and a thorough knowledge of local government bylaws. We have earned a strong reputation and enjoy good relationships with regulatory bodies and decision makers of all types. We have a demonstrated history of completing applications in a timely and cost-effective manner, with the highest level of professionalism and exceptionally high approval rates.
Where applications require input from multiple parties, we possess the project management skills to effectively assemble and coordinate the required teams. Our management approach enables us to track the progress of multiple concurrent permitting objectives, ensuring potential conflicts are identified and resolved intelligently and economically. This approach results in improved project plans, comprehensive and accurate application packages, and shorter regulatory review timelines.
Our Site Assessment and Remediation regulatory expertise includes, but is not limited to:
- BC Environmental Management Act (EMA) and Contaminated Sites Regulation (CSR):
- Site Disclosure Statements
- Soil Relocation Notifications
- Certificates of Compliance
- Approvals in Principle
- Determinations
- Releases
- Pre-Approvals
- Background Concentration Approvals
- Notifications of Independent Remediation
- Notices of Likely or Actual Migration
- Site Risk Classifications
- Waste Discharge Authorizations
- Etc.
- Federal Contaminated Sites regime:
- Federal 10-Step Process
- Federal site classification and reclassification
- Remediation to Canadian Council of Ministers of the Environment (CCME) guidelines and standards
- Assessment and remediation to support the Federal Addition-to-Reserve (ATR) process
- Local government bylaws:
- Waste Discharge Permits
- Groundwater Quality Declarations
- Excavation dewatering and treatment approvals
- Soil removal and placement permits
- Remediation Agreements
- Etc.