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Biology and Natural Environment

Specializing in Environmental and Biophysical Impact Assessments

Environmental Impact Assessment, Biophysical Surveys, and Mitigation Planning

Active Earth’s biology and natural environment division specializes in Environmental and Biophysical Impact Assessments, as well as Environmental Protection and Mitigation Planning. Our team is dedicated to surveying, documenting, and mapping the unique biophysical characteristics of each site we work on.

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Through this comprehensive evaluation, we can identify sensitive ecosystems, valued environmental components, and archaeological resources that may be present. Additionally, we thoroughly review construction requirements and assess potential project related impacts construction activities may or may not have on the natural environment. We work in close collaboration with the project proponent to develop tailored mitigation measures to effectively reduce any potential negative impacts to an acceptable level.

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RAPR Assessments and Riparian Buffer Zone Rehabilitation

Active Earth is highly experienced in conducting Wetland and Riparian Assessments for natural waterbodies, watercourses and drainage ditches. We adhere to the Riparian Areas Protection Regulation (RAPR) and the Water Sustainability Act (WSA) to ensure compliance with environmental regulations. Our team of registered Biologists and experienced RAPR professionals utilize cutting-edge techniques and methodologies to assess the physical characteristics, fisheries habitat potential, amphibian habitat, ecological health, and functionality of riparian streams and ditches.

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We also provide consultation services for projects involving the relocation of ditches, offering expertise in evaluating relocation areas, creating aquatic and fisheries habitats, capture and release of fish or amphibians prior to disturbance, defining setback distances, and developing mitigation measures to enhance the overall aquatic condition of the riparian area being disturbed. Active Earth is dedicated to environmental stewardship and conducts aquatic assessments with meticulous attention to detail, enabling our clients to make informed decisions for sustainable land use and conservation practices.

Reclamation and Restoration Planning

Active Earth is a leading company in the field of habitat restoration and site reclamation, demonstrating environmental excellence. Our purpose is to restore disturbed areas as soon as possible to as close to their pre-disturbance condition as possible. We achieve this by using native seed mixes and native vegetation that is well-suited to the specific area. Our approach ensures that the restored site blends seamlessly into adjacent habitats in a natural way, mimicking the surrounding vegetation communities. By considering the topography and growing conditions of each site, we achieve a higher rate of success in our restoration efforts. At Active Earth, we are committed to restoring and preserving the natural beauty of our environment.

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Watercourse Crossing Assessments and Instream Turbidity Monitoring

Active Earth is proud to offer a team of highly qualified Environmental Professionals who specialize in Water Quality Monitoring during in-stream construction activities. Whether it’s open cutting a watercourse for pipeline construction, drilling beneath it using horizontal directional drilling, or dewatering a construction area, our team has the expertise to ensure water quality is maintained.

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Our monitoring programs are tailored to the specific construction activity and intensity of the works, including sampling conducted at multiple locations both upstream and downstream of a construction zone. We adhere to the guidelines set by the Canadian Council of Ministers of the Environment for Nephelometric Turbidity Unit (NTU) readings and water quality sampling and reporting. Additionally, our team can perform a Linear Regression Analysis to establish the correlation between NTU and Total Suspended Solids (TSS) if needed. We have the expertise to recommend modifications to the sampling frequency as the construction site stabilizes and downstream turbidity readings align with upstream background levels. With Active Earth, you can trust that your construction activities will not only meet regulatory requirements but also contribute to the improvement and maintenance of water quality.

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Vegetation Surveys, Weed Assessments
and Rare Plant Surveys

Active Earth is proud to offer a team of biologists and plant experts who specialize in conducting surveys in vegetation, weeds, and rare plants. Our experts have extensive knowledge in compiling overall vegetation characteristics to determine valued ecosystem components, creating specific habitats for ungulates, small mammals, or amphibians after clearing, developing mitigation measures to manage and control weeds, and restoring disturbed sites to pre-disturbance conditions or better. We understand the importance of avoiding impacts to vegetation and rare plants during project development and can transplant rare plants as a last resort. Our team provides solutions that meet your needs and regulatory requirements while preserving the integrity of the natural environment.

Wildlife and Habitat Assessments including Special Status Wildlife Species and Mitigation

Active Earth is a trusted provider of wildlife assessments and surveys for Special Status Wildlife Species. Our process begins with a thorough desktop review to identify potential species occurrence within a defined radius of the project area. We then map anticipated habitats using air photo interpretation and compile summaries of wildlife including special status species that may be present. A comprehensive field survey is conducted to confirm or refute the desktop information. Based on the collected data, our experts refine the information and develop mitigation measures to minimize impacts to wildlife. And their habitats. These measures may include avoidance strategies, establishing set back distances, confirming active nest sites, discouraging wildlife use during construction, installing temporary wildlife-proof barriers, improving contractor awareness, reducing speed limits, and, as a last resort, wildlife capture and release. Active Earth is dedicated to protecting wildlife and ensuring responsible construction practices.

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Environmental Management Plans and Monitoring

Active Earth has extensive experience in developing comprehensive environmental protection planning services, including the development of Construction Environmental Management Plans (CEMP), Site Specific Environmental Protection Plans (EPP), and Erosion and Sediment Control Plans (ESC). Our team of experts is dedicated to working closely with clients to assess potential environmental risks and develop tailored environmental protection plans that effectively mitigate and manage these risks throughout the project lifecycle. We understand the importance of logical and pragmatic mitigation measures that are suited to the local environment and reflect the needs and requirements of the proponent. Our priority is environmental protection and sustainability, ensuring that all plans follow regulatory requirements and industry Best Management Practices. With Active Earth’s protection planning services, clients can confidently navigate complex environmental challenges and ensure the long-term success of their projects.

While acting as the Environmental Monitors (EM) on construction, mining, or remediation projects, we ensure all parties are familiar with the relevant environmental issues and mitigation requirements. Our EM staff are recognized for their professionalism, expertise, communication skills, and collaborative problem-solving approach.

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