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Environmental Permitting

Environmental permits can often seem like an unsurmountable roadblock. We’re here to help.

Environmental Permitting

Environmental permits and approvals can often seem like an unsurmountable roadblock coming from all levels of regulators and government. We’re here to help. Active Earth works closely with the project team at the beginning of a project to identify any applicable permits or approvals that may be required to get your project to the finish line. We then work closely with stakeholders and regulators to achieve the necessary approvals within project timelines. Below is a list of some of the permit and approval Active Earth can help you navigate:

  • BC Environmental Management Act and Contaminated Sites Regulation: For all approvals and permits related to contaminated sites, such as:
    • Site Disclosure Statements
    • Certificates of Compliance, Approvals in Principal, Determinations, Releases, Background Concentration Approvals, Notifications of Independent Remediation, Notice of Likely or Actual Migration, Site Risk Classifications, Waste Discharge Authorizations, etc.
  • BC Water Sustainability Act: For approvals around groundwater and surface water use such as Water Well Licenses, Changes In and About a Stream, Short Term Use Approvals, etc.
  • Local government bylaws: For approvals around municipal environmental permits such as stormwater management and discharge approvals, groundwater dewatering and treatment approvals, soil removal permits, fill placement permits, riparian set backs, etc.
  • BC Mines Act: For supporting Ministry of Mines and Low Carbon Initiative mine and quarry applications such Notice of Work Applications and Mine Permit Amendments.
  • Disposal at Sea Regulations: For disposal of land-based spoils and dredgeate via Stand-Alone Disposal at Sea Permits, Multi-Site Annual Disposal Permits, and Letters of Confirmation.
  • Federal Migratory Birds Convention Act and Provincial Wildlife Act: For setbacks and approvals for working around bird nests.
  • Vancouver Fraser Port Authority: For approvals and permits for dredging or development and construction through the Environmental Review process
  • Transportation Canada, Navigation Protection Act: For approvals for works and obstructions in the navigable waters.


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Active Earth has completed over 30 landfill-related projects throughout B.C. Our team includes leading experts in waste management, landfill design, and landfill management and monitoring. Successful past projects include the evaluation of proposed landfill sites, conceptual/detailed landfill designs, and ongoing monitoring and assessment of existing landfills.

We work in rural and urban areas helping to provide effective waste disposal options for small-scale domestic wastes, contaminated soils, industrial and medical wastes, wood waste, and large-scale municipal solid waste. Our assessments often evaluate the risks to local and regional groundwater and surface water quality, landfill gas emissions, soil cover assessment and design, human health and ecological risk assessment, and development and implementation of monitoring plans. The Active Earth team also prepares and implements responsible and cost-effective closure plans for landfills at or near capacity.

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